Saturday, October 29, 2011

Trunk or Treat

Friday night, St. A's was transformed into a Halloween Haunt with fun for all. 

The festivities began with hot dogs, chili, chips, and other treats to provide all participants with full and happy tummies.

The little ghosts and goblins then ventured outside to Trunk or Treat at some creative and fun trunks.

Our beautiful gardens were turned into a haunted trail- only the bravest were able to make it all the way through!

A great big thank you to everybody involved!  This was a fantastic event!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Warm sun and fresh air...

On Sunday, October 2nd, we combined an outdoor service with an animal belssing which resulted in a fantastic worship experience. God blessed us with picture perfect weather in the form of bright sunshine and moderate temperatures.
Our beautiful garden provided the most fantastic worship space where we were surrounded by all of God's creation- the flowers, the grass, the trees, etc. 
Members were encouraged to bring their pets of all shapes and sizes.  Some of which decided to add their own vocalizations to the prayers and hymns.  All of the furry companions were well behaved. (Except when they voiced their converns when the horse made its appearance.)
This is an event will most hold again in the future- if not for the worshp and blessing of the pets, but at least for an excuse to make puppy chow for the humans!

Friday, September 30, 2011

Blessing of the Animals

This Sunday, you are invited to bring your pets of all shapes and sizes to our outdoor service for a special blessing.  I've witnessed all sorts of animal blessings from horses, to fish, to dogs, to cats, and even my guinea pig was blessed once!  You may ask yourself, "What's the deal with this animal blessing?  Why do we do it?"  Well, I think I may have found the answer-
"This custom is conducted in remembrance of St. Francis of Assisi’s love for all creatures.  Francis, whose feast day is October 4th, loved the larks flying about his hilltop town. He and his early brothers, staying in a small hovel, allowed themselves to be displaced by a donkey. Francis wrote a Canticle of the Creatures, an ode to God’s living things. “All praise to you, Oh Lord, for all these brother and sister creatures.”  Taken from here.
So please join us with you fuzzy, furry, slimy, gilled, small, large, whatever pets for a special service at 10:00am.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

How can we help you grow?

There are so many opportunities at St. Augustine's to get involved and find your 'place' which utilizes your talents and falls in line with your interests.

If you are blessed with the gift musical talent, you may consider joining the choir or offer to perform a piece during the service.

If you are blessed with the enjoyment of physical activity, you may consider organizing a walk to assist us in our quest to "Walk to Bethlehem."

If you find enjoyment in reading and discussing texts, you may consider joining one of our book clubs or bible study groups.  Your unique perspective will be welcomed within the group.

If you are blessed with a 'green thumb', you may consider adopting a berm to nurture and care for.

Socializing/Social Networking (Yes, it is a talent, skill, and interest)
If you find enjoyment in just being with others, you may want to join one of our many social groups or assist in organizing the next social gathering.  If face to face interaction is not quite your cup of tea, you may try submitting a writing to the blog for publication.

This is just a small sample of ways to get involved and plant your seed in the soil at St. Augustine's.  If you need assistance finding the right contact person to get involved, please call the office to receive that information.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Did you say Jumping Pillow?

Yes, I did say Jumping Pillow- and more!

When: Sunday, September 11, 2011
12:00 pm

Where: KOA Campground

14601 Hwy. 6  Gretna, NE.

Please bring your favorite salad, side, or dessert to share. Hotdogs and hamburgers will be provided. 

The pool will be open for swimming.  There is mini golf, sand volleyball, badminton, pedal carts, banana bikes, and the JUMPING PILLOW!

Beautiful weather, great activities, parish friends….. what could be better?  See you there!

Hearts Break

Yesterday I went to a jewelry store by my house to pick up my watch which had been repaired (total bill -- $5.80! What a bargain!!) It's a small shop, and there were only two customers, myself and a young woman with her son. As I waited my turn, I couldn't help but overhear parts of their conversation. She was there to sell her wedding ring. The shop owner was explaining that selling on consignment would likely bring her more money, but it might take months to get an offer. Alternatively, he offered to buy the ring outright, however it would be at a lower price. The woman was obviously distressed, fighting back tears, and I heard her say, "Well, I have some bills that are due now, so I'll just have to sell it." The man went to the back of the shop to write out the check.

 Now it was just the three of us in the small waiting area -- the woman, her little boy, and me -- and it was uncomfortable. Finally, I broke the silence with a sort-of meek, "How are you doing?" That was all it took. She told me she had never had her wedding ring off in all the years she had owned it, that she and her husband had filed for divorce (something she had never dreamed would happen) and that she needed the money because she had to pay her attorney fees. It was such a painful story, and she wept as she told it to me. I nearly wept myself remembering the pain of my own divorce and of the people I know who are going through the process right now.

I offered that I knew many who had been divorced, as well as several who were struggling with it right now just as she was. I said I was even thinking about starting a divorce support group at our church, and that I knew of one right up the road at a Presbyterian Church that maybe she could look into. We talked a little about faith communities and how they can be a place of comfort and support during these kinds of life crises. I told her where our parish was located and invited her to visit if she ever needed to just sit in church and feel welcomed by others. About that time the owner returned with her check and she left.

Now, I doubt I will ever see her again, and I don't for a minute think our conversation was in any way profound, but it was instructive for me on two levels. First, I am reminded just how painful it is to go through a divorce. For all parties. And especially when there are children. It happens, I know that. It is often inevitable and sometimes perhaps even for the best. But the pain and suffering are real and palpable, and if you know anyone who is in this process or contemplating it, please know that their lives are being turned inside out and they are frightened.

Second, I am mindful that the church is one of the places where people can go in these times of brokenness and hurt. That the church isn't obligated to "fix" their situation or solve their problems, in fact, that is when we are at our worst, but we are at our best when we are a safe and welcoming place where someone in pain can find peace, even just a little, and acceptance where they are. We, the church, are at our best when we embody the loving face of Christ that people need, that we all need, when we hurt.
If people come hungry, we must feed them. If they are homeless, we must give them shelter. If they are broken and hurt, we must be the place, a safe and loving place, where they might experience the healing presence of our Risen Lord. Pray for those going through divorce today. Their hearts are breaking. Our break with theirs.

Fr. Mark+

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The First Annual St. Augustine's Luau

A big thank you to the Chase family for hosting the 1st Annual St. Augustine's Luau!  An equally large thank you to the Cudley family for sharing their smoked meat skills with the rest of us!  By far, the highlight of the evening was Fr. Mark's hula dance complete with coconuts and grass skirt!