Saturday, September 17, 2011

How can we help you grow?

There are so many opportunities at St. Augustine's to get involved and find your 'place' which utilizes your talents and falls in line with your interests.

If you are blessed with the gift musical talent, you may consider joining the choir or offer to perform a piece during the service.

If you are blessed with the enjoyment of physical activity, you may consider organizing a walk to assist us in our quest to "Walk to Bethlehem."

If you find enjoyment in reading and discussing texts, you may consider joining one of our book clubs or bible study groups.  Your unique perspective will be welcomed within the group.

If you are blessed with a 'green thumb', you may consider adopting a berm to nurture and care for.

Socializing/Social Networking (Yes, it is a talent, skill, and interest)
If you find enjoyment in just being with others, you may want to join one of our many social groups or assist in organizing the next social gathering.  If face to face interaction is not quite your cup of tea, you may try submitting a writing to the blog for publication.

This is just a small sample of ways to get involved and plant your seed in the soil at St. Augustine's.  If you need assistance finding the right contact person to get involved, please call the office to receive that information.

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